====== R Documentation: stathabmod package ====== Authors: * nicolas.lamouroux -at- inrae.fr * virginie.girard –at- univ-grenoble-alpes.fr * https://ecoflows.inrae.fr/software/ Download and install the stathabmod package https://ecoflows.inrae.fr/software/ Run the examples included in the R documentation of * Stathab() * Stathab_steep() * FSTress() * Estimhab() Don’t forget to read this general documentation “Statistical_habitat_models_documentation”, ^ Main R functions ^ ^ | stathab() | Statistical hydraulic habitat models based on water depth and flow velocity | | stathab_steep( ) | Statistical hydraulic habitat models for steep rivers (up to 25%) based on water depth and flow velocity | | FSTress() | Statistical hydraulic habitat models based on bed shear stress (FST hemispheres) | | Secondary functions | | | stathab_hyd() | The statistical hydraulic model called by stathab(). Computes depth and velocity distributions | | stathab_hyd_steep () | The statistical hydraulic model called by stathab_steep(). Computes depth and velocity distributions |