Table of Contents


Autres modèles statistiques

Booker D.J., Acreman M.C. (2007) Generalisation of physical habitat-discharge relationships. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11, 141-157.

Kim H.J., Kim J.H., Ji U., Jung S.H. (2020) Effect of Probability Distribution-Based Physical Habitat Suitability Index on Environmental-Flow Estimation. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 24: 2393-2402.

Rosenfeld J.S., Campbell K., Leung E.S., Bernhardt J., Post J. (2011) Habitat effects on depth and velocity frequency distributions: Implications for modeling hydraulic variation and fish habitat suitability in streams. Geomorphology 130: 127–135.

Saraeva K., Hardy T.B. (2009) Prediction of fisheries physical habitat values based on hydrualic geometry and frequency distributions of depth and velocity. International Journal of River Basin Management 7: 31-41.

Schweizer S., Borsuk M.E., Jowett I.G., Reichert P. (2007) Predicting joint frequency distributions of depth and velocity for instream habitat assessment. River Research and Applications 23: 287-302.

Wilding T.K., Bledsoe B., Poff N.L., Sanderson J. (2014) Predicting habitat response to flow using generalized habitat models for trout in Rocky Mountain streams. River Research and Applications, 7, 805-824.

Généralité des modèles biologiques de sélection des microhabitats

Becquet J., Lamouroux N., Forcellini F., Cauvy-Fraunié S. (submitted). Modelling macroinvertebrate hydraulic preferences in alpine streams.

'Forcellini M., Plichard L., Dolédec S., Mérigoux S., Olivier J.-M., Cauvy-Fraunié S. and Lamouroux N. (2022). Microhabitat selection by macroinvertebrates: generality among rivers and functional interpretation. Journal of Ecohydraulics.'

'Plichard L., Forcellini M., Le Coarer Y., Capra H., Carrel G., Ecochard R., Lamouroux N. (2020) Predictive models of fish microhabitat selection in multiple sites accounting for abundance overdispersion. River Research and Applications, 36, 1056–1075.'

Applications des modèles

Capra H., Sabaton C., Gouraud V., Souchon Y. & Lim P. 2003. A population dynamics model and habitat simulation as a tool to predict brown trout demography in natural and bypassed stream reaches. River Research and Applications, 19: 551-568.

Damiani M., Lamouroux N., Pella H., Roux P., Loiseau E., Rosenbaum R. (2019) Spatialized freshwater ecosystem Life Cycle Impact Assessment of water consumption based on instream habitat change modeling. Water Research, 163, 114884.

Lamouroux N., Gore J.A., Lepori F. & Statzner B. (2015) The ecological restoration of large rivers needs science-based, predictive tools meeting public expectations: an overview of the Rhône project. Freshwater Biology, 60, 1069-1084.

Lamouroux N. & Olivier J.-M. (2015) Testing predictions of changes in fish abundance and community structure after flow restoration in four reaches of a large river (French Rhône). Freshwater Biology, 60, 1118-1130.